
Water is essential for survival for all living organisms, and plants are no exception.  It's the right amount of water that's important for many reasons:

  • Not all plants have the same water needs Obviously, a cactus needs less water than a water lily, but the spectrum of water requirements is vast.  Plants should be grouped in hydrozones, or areas that need the same amount of water, when planning an irrigation system.
  • Most plants in Northern California need some supplementary water for extended periods:  Our Mediterranean climate means that on average, there is no notable rainfall from May through October.  Most plants must receive vital moisture from a mechanical system.
  • Water conservation must be a consideration:  Due to our dry summers, water is a limited resource.  Most municipalities encourage water conservation, including drip irrigation.  Some are offering subsidies for replacing lawns with drought tolerant plants and drip irrigation or upgrading your existing irrigation system.
  • Many watering methods waste expensive water: It's difficult to gauge the amount of water saturation.  Flooding, hand watering, sprinklers, even drip systems that leak or aren’t programmed properly will result in over watering and wasting large amounts of water.  Too much water is as harmful as not enough water and can stress plants causing disease and death. 
  • The right amount of water at the right time is essential:  There are many factors in deciding when, how much and how to irrigate. The right amount of water at the right time is needed for effective irrigation management.

Heidi's Irrigation Services:

Landscape Requirements and System Selection

Every landscape has its own unique water requirements. Not only are the plants an important element, but also the terrain, slope, soil type, sun and wind movement, available water and pressure, physical obstacles and microclimate must figure into the equation.  Heidi provides a site assessment to tackle all of the issues that impact the selection and installation of a successful irrigation system.

System Installation

Heidi's knowledge and experience affords her the ability to install small scale irrigation systems to the minute detail.  From controller to emitter, she will assure that every plant on your landscape will receive just the right amount of water to be healthy, but not wasteful.

Drip System Maintenance

Irrigation systems must be maintained to be vigorous season to season.  Lines break or split, filters need to be cleaned or changed, emitters disappear, the system will potentially clog with dirt, debris, insect or hard water buildup.  As your landscape changes or matures, the water needs change as well, calling for a water application change.  It is recommended that your system is checked and serviced in the spring to assure successful operation in the next irrigation season.  Heidi will inspect, repair and fine-tune any needed changes.

Heidi can manage all of your plants’ water application needs in order to maintain a beautiful landscape, healthy plants, bountiful garden and minimal water bill.

Please contact me at / 707-823-1386

"Heidi was highly recommended by an expert and the results of her work prove her expertise.  She took the time to really fine-tune the system and put the appropriate emitters on each of our many plants. She followed up to make sure that all of our plants were getting just the right amount of water. Heidi is knowlegable, practical and efficient." —Cathy

"I would like to thank you for all your help over the years regarding the repair and maintenance of the sprinkler systems on our various rental properties. Your honesty and competence are to be commended. Having you available to help when problems occur has made my life easier." 
—Gratefully, Virgil